I work individually with children from ages 8-13 to provide supplementary tuition for various reasons. I have an excellent success rate in helping children through entrance exams. In this situation it is recommended that we start working together up to a year in advance, so we have plenty of time to prepare for the different tests, from English and Maths, to verbal and non-verbal reasoning. I also provide support and training for the interview process. I believe that this cohesive approach enables the student to feel confident about themselves on a personal as well as an academic level. I also tutor children who are looking for general support both in primary school, or into secondary school. I work up to Year 8 in English and Maths. This personalised tuition adds to the classroom teaching your child is already receiving and I am very familiar with the national curriculum, so I ensure that my tuition sessions are tailored to support and supplement in-school learning.
I am currently developing a schedule of holiday workshops which will take place in Hove, covering topics including creative writing, enjoy reading and maths investigations.
I will also be developing a crash course for children wanting some last minute entrance exam prep.
Due to a very busy work schedule, these workshops will not be available until 2023.